Create github PR with ease

Create pullrequest through cli

Github cli is needed npm i gh

Then add the following to your zshrc config

Add this to your zsh config

    echo "<scipt-from-below>" >> ~/.zshrc
or `vim ~/.zshrc` and paste the following
 echo "pr_create() {
    local target_branch="$1"
    shift # Move to the next argument
    local input="$*"
    # Check if the target branch is provided
    if [[ -z "$target_branch" ]]; then
        echo "Error: Please provide a target branch."
        return 1
    # Get the current branch
    local current_branch
    current_branch=$(git symbolic-ref --short HEAD)
    # Check if there are at least two arguments separated by '/'
    if [[ -z "$input" || ! "$input" == */* ]]; then
        echo "Error: Please provide a title and description separated by '/'."
        return 1
    # Extract title and description from the input
    local IFS='/'
    read -r title description <<<"$input"
    # Run the gh command
    gh pr create --base "$target_branch" --head "$current_branch" --title "$title" --body "$description"
alias pr=pr_create" >> ~/.zshrc

Then run source ~/.zshrc to apply the changes

Now you can create a pull request by running pr <target_branch> <title>/<description> so for example pr main "Add new feature"/"This is a new feature"