Delete all local and remote git branches

Delete all local and remote git branches

Github cli is needed npm i gh

Then add the following to your zshrc config

    echo "<scipt-from-below>" >> ~/.zshrc
or `vim ~/.zshrc` and paste the following
delete_branch() {
    local branch_name="$1"
    # Get the current branch
    local current_branch=$(git symbolic-ref --short HEAD 2>/dev/null)
    # Check if the current branch is the one to be deleted
    if [ "$current_branch" = "$branch_name" ]; then
        # Fallback branch in case the current branch is to be deleted
        local fallback_branch="master"  # You can change this to 'dev' or any other fallback branch you prefer
        # Check if the fallback branch exists
        if git rev-parse --verify "$fallback_branch" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
            git checkout "$fallback_branch"
            echo "Fallback branch '$fallback_branch' not found. Unable to switch branches."
            return 1
    # Confirming before creating a merge request
    read -r "?Do you want to create a merge request before deleting branch '$branch_name'? [y/N] " create_mr
    if [[ "$create_mr" =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then
        # Check if gh cli is installed
        if ! command -v gh &>/dev/null; then
            echo "GitHub CLI (gh) is required to create a merge request."
            return 1
        # Create a merge request using gh cli
        gh pr create --base "$fallback_branch" --head "$branch_name" --title "Merge $branch_name into $fallback_branch" --body "Please review and merge this branch before deletion."
        echo "Merge request created successfully."
    # Confirming before deletion
    read -r "?Are you sure you want to delete branch '$branch_name' locally and remotely? [y/N] " response
    # Check if the response is affirmative
    if [[ "$response" =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then
        # Deleting locally
        git branch -d "$branch_name"
        # Deleting remotely
        git push origin --delete "$branch_name"
        echo "Branch '$branch_name' deleted locally and remotely."
        echo "Operation aborted."
alias delbranch=delete_branch
Then run `source ~/.zshrc` to apply the changes
Now you can delete a branch by running `delbranch branch-name` in your terminal which will delete the branch locally and remotely but first asks you if you want to create a merge request before deleting the branch.